With 10.2% Unemployment, These Groups Are Lobbying For More Foreign Workers (give them a call)

author Published by Roy Beck

Every month, we get more terrible unemployment news. (Now, we hear the official unemployment rate has hit 10.2%!)

And every month, I must call on Americans to force the nation’s elite leaders to answer why they insist on importing 125,000 working-age foreign citizens each month.

Below is the list of elites working against jobless Americans and their families.

If you are associated with the following groups, you need to ask your leaders to stop assaulting the unemployed Americans in their membership.

10.2% Unemployment Not High Enough — Leaders of These Groups Want More Foreign Workers

On average, the feds are handing out first-time work permits to about 125,000 working-age foreign citizens EACH MONTH. About half of those are temporary, and about half of them are permanent work permits (green cards).

The leaders of the following groups not only approve of potentially taking 125,000 jobs away from American workers each month, they are lobbying to dramatically increase immigration numbers.

All of these groups are pushing for “comprehensive immigration reform.” That means they want to give permanent work permits to around 12 million illegal aliens. It also means that they want to increase the number of legal immigrants brought in for permanent work permits by hundreds of thousands a year.

Feel free to call the phone numbers belwo and ask these elite national leaderships why they prefer giving jobs to foreign workers instead of to millions of unemployed Americans.


Every one of these large organization is pushing Congress to pass “comprehensive immigration reform” that would increase the number of foreign workers to take jobs from Americans:

American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) — Phone: (Washington D.C.) 202-675-2312 or (New York, NY) 212- 549-2666 — Email: media@dcaclu.org, media@aclu.org or from this page: http://www.aclu.org/general-feedback
American Jewish Committee — Phone: 212-751-4000 — Fax: 212-891-1450 — Email: Executive Director, David A. Harris PR@ajc.org or from this page: http://www.ajc.org/site/c.ijITI2PHKoG/b.4700221/k.28D4/Contact_us/apps/ka/ct/contactus.asp?c=ijITI2PHKoG&b=4700221&en=rwJVLbMUJeIZK9OQLeJRIhM2KnJ2IgO1ImL7JrMeG
AFL-CIO — Phone: 202-974-8150 — Fax: 202-974-8152 — Email from this page: http://www.aflcio.org/siteguides/contactus.cfm
Anti-Defamation League — Phone: 212-885-7700 — Fax: 212-867-0779 — Email: contactus@adl.org or from this page: http://regions.adl.org/new-york/contact-us.html
Assemblies of God — Phone: 417-862-2781 — Toll Free: 1-877-840-4800 — Fax: 417-862-8558 — Email: Info@ag.org, General Superintendent GeneralSuperintendent@ag.org, or from this page: http://ag.org/top/contact.cfm
Chamber of Commerce (U.S.) — Phone: 202-659-6000 or Toll Free: 1-800-638-6582 — Fax: 202-463-5836 — Email: webmaster@uschamber.com or from this page: http://www.uschamber.com/about/contact/submit_question.htm
Change To Win (union) — Phone: 202-721-0660 — Fax: 202-721-0661 — Email: info@changetowin.org
Christianity Today (magazine) — Phone: 630-260-6200 — Fax: 630-260-0114 — Email from this page: http://www.christianitytoday.com/help/features/webmaster.html
Church World Service, Immigration & Refugee Program — Phone: (Main Office, Indiana) 574-264-3102 or Toll Free: 800-297-1516; (D.C. Office) 202-544-2350 — Fax: (Main Office, Indiana) 574-262-0966; (D.C. Office) 202-546-6232 — Email: info@churchworldservice.org
Democratic National Committee (DNC) — Phone: 202-863-8000 — Email from this page: http://my.democrats.org/page/s/contactissues
Episcopal Church — Phone: 212-716-6000 — Toll Free: 1-800-334-7626 — Fax: 212-557-5827 — Email: info@episcopalchurch.org or Presiding Bishop and Primate The Most Reverend Katharine Jefferts Schori pboffice@episcopalchurch.org
Evangelical Lutheran Church of America — Phone: 773-380-2700 — Toll Free: 1-800-638-3522 — Fax: 773-380-1465 — Email: info@elca.org
International Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT) — Phone: (Main) 202-624-6800 or (Federal Legislation & Regulation Department) 202-624-8741– Fax: (Federal Legislation & Regulation Department) 202-624-8973 — Email from this page: http://www.teamster.org/content/contact-us
Laborers’ International Union of North America (LIUNA) — Phone: 202-737-8360 — Email: (Members) membermail@liuna.org or (Non-members) communications@liuna.org
Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (LIRS) — Phone: (HQ, Baltimore) 410-230-2700; (D.C Office) 202-783-7509 — Fax: (HQ: Baltimore) 410-230-2890; (D.C. Office) 202-783-7502 — Email: (HQ, Baltimore) lirs@lirs.org; (D.C. Office) dc@lirs.org 
Mennonite Central Committee Washington Office — Phone: 202-544-6564 — Fax: 202-544-2820 — Email: mccwash@mcc.org or Director, Rachelle Lyndaker Schlabach rals@mcc.org

National Association for the
Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) — Phone: (National
HQ) 410-580-5777 or Toll Free: 1-877-NAACP-98 (1-877-622-2798); (Washington
D.C. Bureau) 202-463-2940 — Fax: (Washington D.C. Bureau)
202-463-2953 — Email: (Washington D.C. Bureau) washingtonbureau@naacpnet.org

National Association of Evangelicals (NAE) — Phone: 202-789-1011 — Fax: 202-842-0392 — Email: President, president@nae.net; Executive Director, executivedirector@nae.net; Government Relations, govaffairs@nae.net; General Information, info@nae.net
National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) — Phone: 202-637-3000 — Fax: 202-637-3182 — Email: manufacturing@nam.org
National Council of Churches — (Washington D.C.) Phone: 202-544-2350 — Fax: 202-543-1297 or (New York, NY) Phone: 212-870-2141 — Fax: 212-870-2817 — Email: info@ncccusa.org
National Council of Jewish Women — Phone: (HQ, NYC) 212-645-4048; (D.C. Office) 202-296-2588 — Fax: (HQ, NYC) 212-645-7466; (D.C. Office) 202-331-7792 — Email: (HQ, NYC) action@ncjw.org or (D.C. Office) action@ncjwdc.org
National Restaurant Association — Phone: 202-331-5900 or Toll Free: 1-800-424-5156 — Fax: 202-331-2429 — Email: (for members) from this page: http://www.restaurant.org/aboutus/contact-members.cfm or (for nonmembers) webchef@restaurant.org
People for the American Way — Phone: 202-467-4999 — Email from this page: http://site.pfaw.org/site/Survey?SURVEY_ID=1141&ACTION_REQUIRED=URI_ACTION_USER_REQUESTS
Presbyterian Church (USA) — Phone: 502-569-5000 — Toll Free: 1-888-728-7228 — Fax: 502-569-8005 — Email Director, Department of Constitutional Services Reverend Marc Tammen from this page: http://www.pcusa.org/form2mail/form2mail.jsp?f2name=Mark+Tammen&subject=Contact+Us
Rabbinical Assembly — Phone: 212-280-6000 — Fax: 212-749-9166 — Email: info@rabbinicalassembly.org or Executive Vice President, Rabbi Julie Schonfeld jschonfeld@rabbinicalassembly.org
Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism — Phone: 202-387-2800 — Fax: 202-667-9070 — Email from this page: http://rac.org/Feedback/index.cfm?pge_id=1001
Service Employees International Union (SEIU) — Phone: 202-730-7000 or Toll Free: 1-800-424-8592
Sojourners (magazine) — Phone: 202-328-8842 or Toll Free: 1-800-714-7474 — Fax: 202-328-8757 — Email: sojourners@sojo.net
Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations — Phone: 617-742-2100 — Fax: 617-742-2875 — Email: info@uua.org or from this page: http://www.uua.org/contactusgeneralcomments.shtml
United Church of Christ — Phone: 216-736-2100 — Email: ogm@ucc.org
United Farm Workers of America (UFW) — Phone: (National HQ) 661-823-6250 or (Poltical Legislative Office) 323-263-2800 — Fax: (Political Legislative Office) 323-263-2807 — Email: execoffice@ufw.org
United Food and Commercial Workers of North America (UFCW) — Phone: 202-223-3111 — Email from this page: http://www.ufcw.org/about_ufcw/contact_us/index.cfm
United Methodist Board of Church and Society — Phone: 202-488-5600 — Fax: 202-488-5699 — Email: James E. Winkler – General Secretary, jwinkler@umc-gbcs.org; Jeanette L. Cosper – Executive Assistant to General Secretary, jcosper@umc-gbcs.org
United Methodist Council of Bishops — Phone: 615-742-5400 — Fax: 615-742-5423 — Email: info@uua.org
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops — Phone: 202-541-3000– Email: webcoordinator@usccb.org
World Relief — Phone: 443-451-1900 or Toll Free: 1-800-535-5433 — Fax: 443-451-1975 — Email: worldrelief@wr.org

Here are some smaller organizations with leaders pushing to keep American workers from having the manufacturing, service and construction jobs held by an estimated 7 million illegal aliens — and also lobbying for increases in future foreign workers.

Brethren in Christ Church — Phone: 717-697-2634 — Fax: 717-697-7714 — Email: bic@bic-church.org
Church of the Nazarene — Phone: 913-577-0500 — Fax: 913-577-0848 — E-mail from this page: http://nazarene.org/contactus.aspx
Christian Reformed Church in North America — Phone: 616-241-1691 or toll free 1-877-279-9994 —- Fax: 616-224-0803 — E-mail: crcna@crcna.org
Church of God (Cleveland, Tenn.) — Phone: 423-472-3361– Fax: 423-478.7066 — Email from this page: http://churchofgod.org/contact
Elim Fellowship — Phone: 585-582-2790 — Fax: 585-624-1229 — E-mail from this page: http://www.elimfellowship.org/content/sub.php?page_id=46
Foursquare Church — Phone: 1-888-635-4234 — Fax: 213-989-4590 — Email from this page: http://www.foursquare.org/contact/
Grace Communion International — Phone: 1-800-423-4444 — Email: info@gci.org
International Pentecostal Holiness Church — Phone: 405-787-7110 — Fax: 405-789-3957 — Email: info@iphc.org
Missionary Church — Phone: 260-747-2027 — Fax: 260-747-5331 — Email: mcdenomusa@mcusa.org
Vineyard USA — Phone: 281-313-8463 — Fax: 281-313-8464 — Email: info@vineyardusa.org
Wesleyan Church — Phone: 317-774-7900 — Email: information@wesleyan.org

Don’t let any of these elite leaderships off the hook.

They are in little danger of being washed out of their jobs by the immigration flood. So, it may be easy for them to posture as global humanitarians while rolling the dice on your job.

To be fair, I can’t imagine that any of these leaderships are supporting “comprehensive immigration reform” to throw Americans out of work.

They aren’t that evil.

But they are that callous — so callous that they pursue their other agendas through immigration policy and refuse to pay attention to the millions of Americans and their families who are left without a job because of it.

It doesn’t matter what their intentions are, the result of their support of present immigration numbers and for legislation to increase the numbers destroys the economic lives of American workers.

Our job as American citizens who are related to any of those organizations in any way is to force them to face up to what they are doing to Americans who work for a living — or who used to.

ROY BECK is Founder & CEO of NumbersUSA

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