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What changed this week in {text}
We brought out our giant immigration grid for Presidential Hopefuls just two weeks ago. As promised, our Ratings Committee has met each Friday to consider all new statements, as well as any other information that you readers have brought to our attention. Each week, we look to see whether any of that qualifies to change a rating on one of the 10 categories of the grid, and whether those rating changes require a change in the overall worker-protection grade.
(You can read the quotes, comments and citations for yourself by clicking on the photo of a candidate on the big grid at:
On our Grade Cards, we include every politician who was shown with at least 1% support in the average of polls done by Real Clear Politics in May. We add politicians when they show up for the first time with 1% support.
– CHRISTIE. Rose from Good to VERY GOOD on “Mandate E-Verify-Plus.”
He was much more explicit and emphatic about mandating that all employers use E-Verify to keep illegal foreign workers from holding U.S. jobs.
O’Malley fell from Harmful to VERY HARMFUL on “Oppose Work Permits for Illegal Immigrants” as he noted that he would be more reliable in getting legalization than Clinton, who has said she would be much more expansive than Obama on the matter.
Christie fell from 1st Steps to MIXED on “Prevent Illegal Border Entries & Surges” after ridiculing fences as part of the solution for border security.
.Donald C+.
None of the changes in category ratings resulted in a change in the overall grade of the previous list of 20 Hopefuls. With Trump added, the Top 5 immigration Hopefuls at this moment are:
B- for Walker
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