Increasing Immigration is not a Key Issue for Many Hispanics

By Lisa Irving

Recent polls and media analyses spell out how Republicans are capturing Hispanic voters whom Democrats lost ground with, and, notably, how Hispanic voters along the border increasingly favor Republican platforms on immigration limits and enforcement. These reports cite that economic and worker issues are the key concerns for Hispanic voters — not increasing immigration. Equis … Continued

Immigration is sinking expansionist Democrats, but what will surface?

By Jeremy Beck

FY2021 shattered the record for most border deaths, despite also setting a record for the most border rescues. None of that has stopped House Democrats from passing the “largest mass-legalization program for undocumented immigrants in U.S. history,” as The Washington Post helpfully described it after the vote had taken place. The biggest pull factor in … Continued

Democratic voters say make all businesses use E-Verify

By Roy Beck

Will candidates agree with the Party’s voters that immigration laws should favor recruiting — and pay raises for — American workers? You wouldn’t sense it from the candidates in the Democratic debates thus far, but most Democratic voters want the government to stop illegal migration. And they want it done in a way that should … Continued