Live Blog During Tonight’s GOP Debate (and watching for our TV Ad!)

By Chris Chmielenski

The GOP Debate gets underway tonight at 9 p.m. Eastern Time. I’ll be providng updates of any immigration-related questions that may be posed to the Presidential Hopefuls. In the past two debates, the Hopefuls have been asked basically the same questions they were asked in the primary’s first debate held in Ames, Iowa. So, we’re … Continued

On Immigration — Perry Loses Big in Florida Debate — Romney & Bachmann Hold Ground

By Roy Beck

(Further down are Roy’s live blogs while listenting to the Tea Party/CNN-sponsored debate tonight in Florida. First, though, is Roy’s overall analysis at the end of the debate. As always, our only interest in this debate is immigration.) Gov. Perry was booed as he painted himself into an even tighter corner tonight as a candidate who … Continued

A Dose of Reality Turns DREAMs into Nightmares

By Rosemary Jenks

EDITOR’s NOTE: A line-by-line analysis of the DREAM Act (as introduced in the U.S. Senate) reveals no end to the nightmares. (1) The amnesty applies to illegal-alien “kids” up to age 35; (2) aliens merely need to make a “claim” that they are qualified for the amnesty — they don’t have to provide any proof … Continued