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New Regulations Demonstrate H2 Visas Need Real Reform

By Jared Culver

Both the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) and the Wage and Hour Division (WHD) have noticed new regulations designed to protect foreign workers from the explosion of exploitation within the labor market. While the attempts to stop the exploitation should be applauded, the new regulations are correctly understood as mere Band-Aids on deep … Continued

DHS to Nearly Double H-2B Workers in 2023

By Chris Chmielenski

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced an additional 64,716 nonagricultural H-2B visas in 2023. This is a drastic near-doubling of H-2B visas for temporary foreign workers for the year. It, sadly, only marks the latest blow against struggling American workers who are already battling against raging inflation and an influx of foreign competition, both … Continued

Louisiana Crawfish Workers Fight for Fair Wage Against the Federal Government

By Chris Chmielenski

Americans have just celebrated Labor Day, and while their President has talked much about unions during his tenure, his Administration is still fighting against workers at every turn. The latest example is in a perpetually expanded H-2B visa program. Louisiana employees in the crawfish industry are challenging the program’s implementation because it drives down their … Continued

Work Visa Programs Diminish Black Labor Prospects

By Lisa Irving

As Black unemployment persists at high rates, data mounts on how visa programs work to keep Americans, and Blacks in particular, un- and under-employed. Pamela Denise Long and Miriam Jordan took on this troubling reality in recently published articles. Long asks “Should Black Americans Champion Immigration?” for her October Newsweek opinion piece 一 then probes … Continued

Work Visa Programs Diminish Black Labor Prospects

By Lisa Irving

As Black unemployment persists at high rates, data mounts on how visa programs work to keep Americans, and Blacks in particular, un- and under-employed. Pamela Denise Long and Miriam Jordan took on this troubling reality in recently published articles. Long asks “Should Black Americans Champion Immigration?” for her October Newsweek opinion piece 一 then probes … Continued

Here’s how the spending bill affects immigration. . .

By Chris Chmielenski

The 116th Congress has officially adjourned, ending attempts by some lawmakers to undermine American workers and taxpayers. But the massive federal spending and Covid relief package passed by Congress late last night was far from perfect. Here’s what is and isn’t in the bill… ATTEMPTS TO LIFT PER-COUNTRY CAPS DEAD FOR NOW – Earlier this … Continued

Riding The Nag

By Andrew Good

Yesterday, The Associated Press published yet another immigration story with the business lobbyist-preferred “worker shortage” frame for their coverage: “Ahead of Kentucky Derby, worker shortage looms for trainers” (headline by ABC News). As usual, the narrative being serviced is that the American carnage we need to fear is that which results from any lack or … Continued

Seasonal Businesses Use Exchange Visitor Program as Labor Pool

By Admins

When the Exchange Visitor Program was created in 1961, it was designed to “increase mutual understanding between the people of the United States and the people of other countries by means of educational and cultural exchange.” Participants are allowed to work so, for many years, the program enabled young adults to serve as au pairs, … Continued

Reps. Frelinghuysen & Yoder Undermine Pres. Trump’s Immigration Enforcement Efforts During DHS Approps Markup

By Chris Chmielenski

During yesterday’s committee mark-up of the Homeland Security Appropriations bill, Reps. Rodney Frelinghuysen (R-N.J.) and Kevin Yoder (R-Kan.) allowed for the passage of several amendments that would undermine the Trump Administration’s immigration enforcement efforts and increase foreign-worker competition for vulnerable American workers. Rep. Frelinghuysen announced his retirement earlier this year and is known for kowtowing … Continued