Department of Labor Details Surge in Child Labor

By Chris Chmielenski

After The New York Times documented extensive child labor trafficking and exposed that Biden Administration officials both knew about it and tried to cover it up, the Department of Labor (DOL) started a task force to clean up the mess they made. The DOL has now released an update on their work one day after … Continued

Monogram Meat Snacks Caught Using Child Labor

By Chris Chmielenski

The child labor boom continues with Monogram Meat Snacks paying a $30,000 fine and agreeing to increased oversight from the Department of Labor (DOL) after being caught hiring teenagers in their dangerous Minnesota facility. This is only the latest meatpacking company to be caught using child labor. Packers Sanitation Services recently paid a $1.5 million … Continued

Secretary Xavier Becerra is Biden’s Child Labor Kingpin Pt. 2

By Chris Chmielenski

The New York Times has expanded on their initial report regarding the child labor crisis created by the Biden Administration and it keeps getting uglier. The latest report shines a brighter light on the lies, obfuscations, and buck-passing of the assorted Federal agencies who were interested in protecting their own butts over the health and … Continued

Florida Grand Jury Reveals Horrors Facing Unaccompanied Alien Children

By Chris Chmielenski

Coming on the heels of the New York Times reporting about widespread child labor aided and abetted by the Biden Administration, and particularly by Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) Xavier Becerra, a statewide Florida Grand Jury investigation comes with more receipts for the cost of the Biden Administration’s abuse of unaccompanied alien children … Continued

Secretary Xavier Becerra is Biden’s Child Labor Kingpin

By Chris Chmielenski

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) takes a lot of the heat for the crumbling border and the chaos it causes in our communities for good reason. The Republicans in the House of Representatives are talking seriously about impeaching Secretary Mayorkas for his total abdication of responsibility to enforce our immigration laws and for endangering … Continued

Our “Progressive” Immigration Laws Take us Back to Child Labor of the 19th Century

By Chris Chmielenski

There is a great deal of discussion these days about how desperately America needs more immigration to supplement our workforce. In fact, this canard is one of the few areas of steady bipartisan consensus in an increasingly polarized time. It has so enthralled our political and thought leaders that mass immigration has been sold as … Continued