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Here’s how Pres. Trump can end Birthright Citizenship…

By Chris Chmielenski

Since it was reported yesterday morning that Pres. Trump plans to end the practice of granting automatic citizenship to all children born in the United States regardless of the parents’ immigration status, most, if not all, mainstream publications have run op-eds explaining why such a move would be unconstitutional. Even the Trump-friendly publications – the … Continued

House panel urges Congress to pass Birthright Citizenship legislation

By Chris Chmielenski

For the first time in 10 years, the issue of Birthright Citizenship was in the forefront on Capitol Hill this week when the House Immigration Subcommittee held a hearing on Wednesday. The hearing sought to determine if Birthright Citizenship is the right policy for America, but it focused less on the policy question, and more … Continued

Should foreign citizens be given U.S. citizenship because their parents decided to visit Disney World?

By Roy Beck

Over the next several days, we are encouraging the public to press their Members of Congress to answer the following question: H.R. 140 (the Birthright Citizenship Act). Of course, most of the hundreds of thousands of births to foreign citizens in the U.S. each year are not to Disney visitors. But the Disney scenario is … Continued

Retiring Rep. Deal Leaves 17-Year Record of Trying to End Birthright Citizenship

By Roy Beck

The retirement of Rep. Nathan Deal (R-Ga.) will end an 17-year unbroken commitment to persuading Congress to eliminate birthright citizenship for illegal aliens.  Soon after arriving in Congress in 1993, he co-sponsored the original bill to put the U.S. in line with most other modern nations by stopping birthright citizenship.  He has signed on to every bill since, … Continued