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U.S. projected to lose 18 million acres of farmland by 2060

By Jeremy Beck

America’s growing population is leading to the unilateral loss of farmland to make way for housing, office parks, shopping plazas, and more. The looming paradox is that as development consumes farmland to accommodate more people, the demand for food also grows. America’s capacity to provide basic resources (water, food, fiber) to its citizens is on … Continued

Growing Food for a Growing Population: Paving Over Open Space Makes that a Challenge

By Christy Shaw

As reported in The Guardian, The United Nation’s Global Land Outlook, Second Edition report findings recently revealed that over 40% of the world’s land is now degraded. Degraded land is defined as that: …which has been depleted of natural resources, soil fertility, water, biodiversity, trees or native vegetation…” The report further explains that “degraded” land … Continued

This Washington Post Asparagus Op-Ed Stinks

By Andrew Good

The Washington Post recently published an op-ed piece from the American Business Immigration Coalition’s top onion magnate, Shay Myers. I’ve been meaning to write about this sooner, but House Democrats kept us busy in the lead-up to the passage of the “Build Back Better” bill with its amnesty and green card blowout that makes this … Continued

This Washington Post Asparagus Op-Ed Stinks

By Andrew Good

The Washington Post recently published an op-ed piece from the American Business Immigration Coalition’s top onion magnate, Shay Myers. I’ve been meaning to write about this sooner, but House Democrats kept us busy in the lead-up to the passage of the “Build Back Better” bill with its amnesty and green card blowout that makes this … Continued