NumbersUSA sprawl studies: citations in scholarly literature

NumbersUSA’s sprawl studies have, for more than two decades, explored the role of population growth in each county in each state and the role of a multiplicity of decisions by government, business, and individuals that increase the average amount of developed land for each person in each county. Our sprawl studies have been cited in scholarly literature over a hundred times in over a dozen languages.

Languages represented (in addition to the U.S.): Azerbaijani, Chinese (Mandarin), Farsi (Persian), French, German, Indonesian, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, Turkish

Countries represented (in addition to the U.S.): Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Egypt, Germany, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Iran, Italy, Malaysia, Mexico, Nigeria, Poland, Portugal, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey (Türkiye), United Kingdom

This is a partial list of citations of NumbersUSA sprawl studies in the scholarly literature (from and other online sources)*

As of July 4, 2023:

Abegão, João Luís Ramalho. 2018. Human Overpopulation Atlas. Ecologia e Ambiente, Departamento Biologia, Fátima Loureiro de Matos, Professira Auxiliar, Faculdade Letras da Universidade do Porto (Portugal). 513 pp.

Abdul-Sahib, Wadah, Zaynab Radi Abaas, Ahmed Natiq Al-Shammaa. No date. Adopting a policy of inverse densification in urban sprawl areas.

Adaku, Ebenezer. 2012. Infrastructure Cost Implications of Urban Forms in Developing Counries: An analysis of development patterns in Ghana. PhD dissertation, Institut für Raumordnung und Entwicklungsplanung, Universität Stuttgart Institute for Regional Planning and Development Planning, University of Stuttgart. 224 pp.

Adaku, Ebenezer. 2014. Urban Sprawl: A view from developing and developed Countries. African Journal of Geography and Regional Planning. 1(6): 193-207.

Afrin, Sadia, Cristina Matos, Luís Ramos, Isabel Bentes, Júlia Lourenço. No date. “Planning policies and infrastructure development: the case of Vila Real Municipality [Portugal].” Pp. 305-317 in Bringing City Form Back into Planning: Proceedings of CITTA 3rd Annual Conference on Planning Research. Edited by Paulo Pinho and Vítor Oliveira. 794 pp.

Akundi, Krishna. No date. Montgomery County Growth Policy Study: Appendix P – Literature Review: The Costs of Growth. 38 pp.

Al-Ammary, Muhammad Nauval. 2012.Mengenal: Urban Sprawl & Compact City [Indonesia]. Rumah untuk Rakyat [Home for the People]. Inforum: media komunikasi komunits perumahan [housing community communication media] Special Edition Year 2012. 60 pp.

Aldrich, Gwendolyn A., Janie Chermak, and Jennifer A. Thacher. 2008. Water Quality and Land Use: Implications for Regulation and Urban Planning. WRRI Technical Completion Report No. 346. New Mexico Water Resources Research Institute. 70 pp.

Alhowaily, Anas. 2020. Egypt’s New Urban Communities Investigating the Policy, Design and Management of Smart Growth: The Cases of Heliopolis-Cairo and New Aswan-Aswan. PhD dissertation at the Technischen Universität Berlin [Technical University of Berlin, Germany].

Alshebli, Abdulmohsen Yousef. No date. Towards Making Urban Planning Practices More Effective Amid Rapid Urban Growth in Riyadh – Saudi Arabia. PhD dissertation, University of Birmingham (UK), Centre for Urban and Regional Studies, School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences. 342 pp.

Altaher, Arwa Mohamed Alnaass. 2017. A Geographic Assessment of Immigrants’ Location Patterns, Segregation, and Housing Conditions in 21st Century America: Evidence from the Atlanta Metropolitan Statistical Area. PhD dissertation, University of North Carolina at Greensboro. 124 pp.

Araya, Felipe, Kasey M. Faust, and Jessica A. Kaminsky. 2019. Public perceptions from hosting communities: The impact of displaced persons on critical infrastructure. Sustainable Cities and Society 48 (2019) 101508.

Arellano, Blanca and Josep Roca. 2012. “The Urban Sprawl in Megacities, it is an Unsustainable Model?” European Real Estate Society (ERES) 19th Annual Conference, Edinburg. Pp. 1-8.

Arruda, Natalia Da Silveira. 2013. Rigenerazione urbana attraverso la riqualificazione delle aree residuali : dall’esperienza all’urban Barriera di Milano ad uno studio preliminare delle aree residuali per il quartiere [Urban regeneration through the redevelopment of residual areas: from the experience at the urban barrier in Milan to a preliminary study of the areas residuals for the neighborhood]. Turin Polytechnic, Master’s degree course in Territorial, Urban and Landscape-Environmental Planning.

Atu, Joy Eko, Raphael Offiong Ayama, and Eja I. Eja. 2013. Urban Sprawl Effects on Biodiversity in Peripheral Agricultural Lands in Calabar, Nigeria. Journal of Environment and Earth Science 3(7): 219-231.

Barrero, Laura Jiménez. 2011. Alternativas a la Dispersión Urbana. Análisis de Indicadores Basados en Nuevas Estrategias Para el Desarrollo Sostenible. [Alternatives to Urban Sprawl. Analysis of Indicators Based on New Strategies for Sustainable Development.] Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña (Barcelona, Spain). Máster Universitario En Gestión Y Valoración Urbana. 105 pp.

Bergantino, Angela Stefania, Giuseppe Di Liddo, and Francesco Porcelli. 2018. A relative measure of urban sprawl for Italian municipalities using satellite Light Images. Working papers SIET 2018 – ISSN 1973-3208.

Brannon, Nancy D. 2007. Groundwater: A Community’s Management of the Invaluable Resource Beneath its Feet. PhD dissertation, University of Tennessee. 252 pp.

Byun, Seung Ah. 2014. A Comparative Evaluation of State Policies and Programs for Nonpoint Source Pollution Control in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. University of Pennsylvania, PhD dissertation. Publicly Accessible Penn Dissertations. 542 pp.

Cafaro, Philip. 2015. The Progressive Case for Reducing Immigration. The Chronicle of Higher Education. January 19.

Cafaro, Philip, Pernilla Hansson, and Frank Götmark. 2023. A Bibliography of Recent Scientific Work on Population and Biodiversity Conservation. Working Paper, The Overpopulation Project (Sweden). 35 pp.

Cafaro, Philip, Pernilla Hansson, and Frank Götmark. 2022. Overpopulation is a major cause of biodiversity loss and smaller human populations are necessary to preserve what is left. Biological Conservation. 272 (2022) 109646. 9 pp.

Cafaro, Philip and Winthrop Staples III. 2009. The Environmental Argument for Reducing Immigration to the United States. Center for Immigration Studies Backgrounder. 16 pp.

California Futures Network, California Policy Forum. No date. A Reporter’s Resource and Media Guide to Growth in California. 139 pp.

Cao, Xinyu. 2006. The Causal Relationship between the Built Environment and Personal Travel Choice: Evidence from Northern California. PhD dissertation, University of California, Davis. 202 pp.

Clark, Anthony S. 2010. The Political Institutional Determinants of Land-Use Change and Sprawl: A Conceptual Model. Theoretical and Empirical Researches in in Urban Management 7(16): 5-18.

Crenna, C. David. 2009. “Urban Sprawl”: An Evidence-Based Approach to Policies to Increase Urban Density. University of Western Ontario, Department of Geography. 81 pp.

Davis, Chris and Tim Schaub. 2005. A transboundary study of urban sprawl in the Pacific Coast region of North America: The benefits of multiple measurement methods. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 7 (2005) 268–283.

Davis, M. 2002. Reconfiguring open topography – new paradigms for older cities. Paper from: The Sustainable City II, CA Brebbia, JF Martin-Duque & LC Wadhwa (Editors). WIT Press, Ashurst Lodge, Southampton, SO40 7AA, UK.

de Mattos, Carlos A. 2002. Santiago de Chile de Cara a la Globalización: ¿Otra Ciudad? [Santiago de Chile Facing Globalization: Another City?] Rev. Sociol. Polít., Curitiba, 19, p. 31-54, nov. 2002. 26 pp.

de Queiroz Ribeiro, Luiz Cesar (organizador). 2004 (first edition); 2015 (second edition). Metrópoles: entre a coesão e a fragmentação, a cooperação e o conflito [Metropolises: between cohesion and fragmentation, cooperation and conflict]. Luiz Cesar de Queiroz Ribeiro (organizador); Luciana Corrêa do Lago, Sergio de Azevedo, Orlando Alves dos Santos Junior (colaboradores). – 2. ed. – Rio de Janeiro [Brazil]: Letra Capital : Observatório das Metrópoles : INCT, 2015. 431 pp.

Delgado, Elizabeth, David Epstein, Yoohyung Joo, Raju Mann, Sarah Moon, Cheryl Raleigh, Erin Rhodes, Daniel Rutzick. 2006. Through a Wider Lens: Re-envisioning the Great Lakes MegaRegion. Urban and Regional Planning Program, University of Michigan. April. 53 pp.

Djemel, Manel. 2008. Impact de l’évolution des formes de croissance urbaine sur l’identité de la ville et de ses citoyens [Impact of changing forms of urban growth on the identity of the city and its citizens]. Master’s thesis in Urban Planning, University of Montreal, Canada. 211 pp.

Emerson, Charles W., Nina Siu-Ngan Lam, and Dale A. Quattrochi. 2005. A comparison of local variance, fractal dimension, and Moran’s I as aids to multispectral image classification. International Journal of Remote Sensing. Vol. 26, No. 8, 20 April 2005, 1575–1588.

Estrada, Carmen Elena Meza.2017. Estrategias para el Desarrollo Rural del Área Metropolitana de la Ciudad de Barranquilla. Un Modelo Articulador entre el Ordenamiento Físico y la Gestión Pública Territorial. [Strategies for Rural Development of the Metropolitan Area of the City of Barranquilla. An Articulating Model between Physical Planning and Management Territorial Public.] PhD dissertation in the Faculty of Geography and History, University of Barcelona. 415 pp.

Ferrero, Ana M. and Inmaculada Astorkiza. 2016. Preferences for Rural Living: Naturbanization Versus Accessibility. Review of European Studies 8(3): 284-306.

Fina, Stefan. 2013. Indikatoren der Raumentwicklung Flächeninanspruchnahme und Landschaftszersiedelung [Indicators of spatial development Land use and urban sprawl]. PhD dissertation in the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences from the Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen (Germany). 267 pp.

Flint, Anthony. 2005. The Density Dilemma: Appeal and Obstacles for Compact and Transit-Oriented Development. Lincoln Institute of Land Policy Working Paper. 40 pp.

Fondo de Población de las Naciones Unidas [United Nations Population Fund]. 2001. Niveles de desarrollo y efectos sobre el medio ambiente [Levels of development and effects on the environment]. Gaceta Ecológica [Ecological Gazette]. Mexico. 60: 7-27. Reprinted from the U.N. Population Fund, El Estado de la Población Mundial 2001 [State of the World Population 2001].

Francesconi, Wendy and Taylor Stein. 2008; 2017. Expanding Florida’s Farming Business to Incorporate Tourism. Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS) Extension, University of Florida. FOR187, School of Forest Resources and Conservation Department, UF/IFAS Extension. 4 pp.

Frank, Kenneth D. 2016. Establishment of the Japanese Beetle (Popillia japonica Newman) in North America Near Philadelphia a Century ago. Entomological News 126(3):153-174.

Futrell, William Chad. 2005. Dairy Industrialization and Sprawl in an Upstate New York County. M.S. thesis, Cornell University.

González, Guadalupe Gerardo Veloquio. 2008. Efectos del Crecimiento Urbano en la Organización del Espacio: Anillos del Área Central y Resto de la Zona Metropolitana de Monterrey (1990-2000). [Effects of Urban Growth on the Organization of Space: Rings of the Central Area and Rest of the Metropolitan Area of ​​Monterrey (1990-2000)]. PhD dissertation in Architecture and Urban Affairs, City University, San Nicolás de los Garza N.L. México. 264 pp.

Gordon, Peter and Harry W. Richardson. 2001. The Sprawl Debate: Let Markets Plan. Publius 31(3): 131-149,The State of American Federalism, 2000-2001.


Hanser, Robert D. 2008. Establishing Effective Police Relations with Asian American Populations in Mid-Sized United States Communities. Asia Pacific Journal of Police & Criminal Justice. Vol. 6, No. 1. Pp. 49-70.

Heydarinia, Ahmad. No date. تحلیل روند رشد و توسعه ناموزون شهرهاي میانه اندام در ایران [The development of middle-class cities in Iran is over]. 23 pp.

Hernández, Carolina Velandia. No date. The counter argument against environmental reductionism in Latinx immigration debates: Tracking the discussion and empirical evidence. Northern Illinois University, Political Science and Public Administration Department.

Hoctor, Thomas S., William L. Allen, III, Margaret H. Carr, Paul D. Zwick, Ellen Huntley, Daniel J. Smith, David S. Maehr, Ramesh Buch, and Richard Hilsenbeck. 2008. Land Corridors in the Southeast USA: Connectivity to Protect Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. Journal of Conservation Planning Vol 4 (2008) 90-122.

HONG Shijian and ZHANG Jingxiang [洪世键 张京祥]. 2013. Study on Definition and Measurement of Urban Sprawl: A Case Study of Yangtze River Delta Region [城市蔓延的界定及其测度问题探讨*——以长江三角洲为例] . City Planning Review [城市规划]. Vol. 37, No 7, July.

Horton, Tom. 2008. Growing! Growing! Gone! The Chesapeake Bay and the Myth of Endless Growth. Prepared On A Grant From The Abell Foundation. 47 pp.

Hosseini, Seyyed Hadi and Mehran Hajilou. 2018. Drivers of urban sprawl in urban areas of Iran. Papers in Regional Science. 2018;1–22.

Howe, J. Cullen. 2011. Overview of Green Buildings. 41 Envtl. L. Rep. News & Analysis 10043

Hudson, Blake. 2019. Land Development: A Super-Wicked Environmental Problem. Arizona State Law Journal. Vol. 51. 33 pp.

Hudson, Blake. Harnessing Energy Markets to Conserve Natural Resources? The Case of Southern U.S. Forests. 2017. Florida State University Law Review Vol 44, Issue 3, spring.

Hudson, Blake. 2017. The Natural Capital Crisis in Southern U.S. Cities. Chicago-Kent Law Review. 92(2): 529-547. Cities in Crisis. October 30.

Jacques, Katie. 2009. Effects of urbanization on the size and spatial distribution of wetlands in New Hampshire. Master’s Theses and Capstones. 448. University of New Hampshire Scholars’ Repository. M.S. thesis in Natural Resources: Environmental Conservation. 77 pp.

James, Jean-Ann. 2015. Implications of Hybrid Decentralized Energy Systems Composed of Solar Photovoltaics and Combined Cooling, Heating, and Power (CCHP) Systems Within Large Urban Regions. PhD dissertation at the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology. 136 pp.

Jones, Robert E., Carolyn R Hodges, Vice Provost, Nancy D. Brannon. No date. A Community’s Management of the Invaluable Resource Beneath Its Feet.

Khalilia, Mohammad Mehdi Nasiri, Hamid Abyab, Mohsen Ebrahimic, Simin Tavallaeed, Mohammad Soleymanid, and Mousa Kamanroudid. 2015. Analysis of physical expansion and sprawl growth factors of Sari city [Iran] using Shannon and Heldern entropy models. Management Science Letters 5 (2015) 189–198.

Kim, Moon-Jeong. 2002. Growth patterns in Tennessee : an analysis of the effectiveness of Tennessee Public Chapter 1101. Master’s Thesis, University of Tennessee. 90 pp.

Kitzmann, Robert. 2011. The Impact of the U.S. Housing Bubble and Crisis on the Process of Urban Sprawl in the Phoenix Metropolitan Area. Diploma thesis, Department of Geography, Humboldt University, Berlin (Germany). 101 pp.

Kumar, Amit , Arvind Chandra Pandey, Najmul Hoda, and A. T. Jeyaseelan. 2011. Evaluating the Long-term Urban Expansion of Ranchi Urban Agglomeration, India Using Geospatial Technology. Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing 39(2): 213–224.

Kumar, T. M. Vinod. 2020. Smart Environment for Smart Cities, Advances in 21st Century Human Settlements. School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi, India. Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2020. 53 pp.

Lai, Shih-Kung. 2012. On failure of zoning. International Journal of Society Systems Science, 4(4): 369-380.

Lee, Sugie and Nancy Green Leigh. 2005. The Role of Inner Ring Suburbs in Metropolitan Smart Growth Strategies. Journal of Planning Literature 19(3): 330-346. February.

Levings, Colin. No date. Independent Scientific Advisory Board (ISAB), Northwest Power and Conservation Council.

Li, Feng. 2012. Investigation of urban sprawl on the basis of remote sensing data – A case study in Jiangning, Nanjing City, China. Von der Fakultät Bau- und Umweltingenieurwissenschaften der Universität Stuttgart zur Erlangung der Würde eines Doktors der Ingenieurwissenschaften (Dr. -Ing) genehmigte Abhandlung [from the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Stuttgart the degree of Doctor of Engineering (Dr. -Ing) approved paper. 141 pp.

Li, Qixuan, Ying Xu, Xu Yang and Ke Chen. 2023. Unveiling the Regional Differences and Convergence of Urban Sprawl in China, 2006–2019. Land 2023, 12, 152. 15 pp.

Ma, Guizhen. 2020. The Environmental Impact of Immigration in the United States. PhD dissertation in Sociology, Utah State University. 191 pp.

Ma, Guizhen and Erin Trouth Hofmann. 2018. Immigration and environment in the U.S.: A spatial study of air quality. The Social Science Journal 56 (2019) 94–106.

Mantey, Dorota. 2021. Podwarzawskie osiedla – glos w dyskusji nad chaotycznym rozrostem stolicy [Housing estates in the Warsaw suburban zone – a voice in the discussion on the chaotic sprawl of the capital]. Prace, Studia I Materialy – Urbanistyka [Works, Studies and Materials – Urban Planning.] pp. 35-47.

Masoumi, Houshmand and Daniela Roque. 2015. Evaluation of Urban Sprawl Speed and Intensity Based on International Urbanization. Example from a Mexican City. Journal of Settlements and Spatial Planning 6(1): 27-35.

Mehriar, Melika. 2019. Urban Sprawl’s Drivers in Iran. Territorios en Formación Territories in Formation. PhD dissertation, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.

Miskulnig, Kira. 2019. Lund in 2050. A scenario-based approach on the development of urban sprawl and its effects on agricultural land in the municipality of Lund, Sweden. Master thesis, European Master in Environmental Science. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Landscape Architecture, Planning and Management, Uppsala. 66 pp.

Mitchell, Robert K E. 2015. How Might the Evolution of Urban Agriculture Advance Sustainable Agriculture in the Future? Major Research Paper submitted to OCAD University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Design in Strategic Foresight and Innovation, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. 249 pp.

Moradi, Mortaza and Nilgün Görer Tamer. 2017. Bursa Örneğinde Kentsel Büyümenin Yerel İklim Değişikliği Üzerine Etkisi [The Urban Growth Effects Over the Local Climate Change in the Case of Bursa]. [Turkey] Planlama 27(1):26–37.

Nasser, Catherine J. 2004. The Road towards Sustainable Transportation in the USA: Exploring the feasibility to enhance non-motorized modes in the case of Scranton, Pennsylvania. International Masters in Environmental Science, Lund University, Sweden. 50 pp.

Nuissl, Henning and Stefan Siedentop. 2021. “Urbanisation and Land Use Change.” Chapter 5 (p. 75-99) in Sustainable Land Management in a European Context: A Co-Design Approach (T. Weith et al., eds.). Springer: Cham, Switzerland. 344 pp.

Osman, Shahriza bt and Abdul Hadi Nawawi. 2008. Urban Sprawl and Its Financial Cost: – A Conceptual Framework. Asian Social Science. 4(10): 39-50. October.

Parham, James F. and Theodore J. Papenfuss. 2009. High genetic diversity among fossorial lizard populations (Anniella pulchra) in a rapidly developing landscape (Central California). Conservation Genetics (2009) 10:169–176.

Poindexter, Georgette Chapman. 2005. Land Hungry. Paper presented at conference on “Democracy in Action? The Law and Politics of Local Governance,” sponsored by Journal of Law & Politics.

Policy Research Project on State and Local Government Initiatives for Growth Management and Open Space Preservation. 2003. Innovative Initiatives in Growth Management & Open Space Preservation: A National Study. Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs, The University of Texas at Austin, Policy Research Project Report, Number 145. Project directed by Robert H. Wilson and Robert Paterson. 135 pp.

Potter, Christopher, Vanessa Genovese, and Peggy Gross. 2007. Interpreting Land Cover Change by Combining NASA and Commercial Satellite Data. The Earth Observer. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Volume 19, Issue 5. September-October.

Potter, C., V. Genovese, P. Gross, S. Boriah, M. Steinbach, and V. Kumar. 2007. Revealing Land Cover Change in California With Satellite Data. EOS, American Geophysical Union. 88(26): 269-276. 26 June.

Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente [United Nations Environment Programme]. 2007. GEO4: Perspectivas del Medio Ambiente Mundial — Medio ambiente para el desarrollo. [Perspectives on the Global Environment – Global Environment for Development. 574 pp. Part I: Overview.

Russ, Thomas H. 2009. Site Planning and Design Handbook, second edition. New York: McGraw-Hill. 537 pp.

Saldaña-Zorrilla, Sergio Omar. 2006. Reducing economic vulnerability in Mexico. Natural disasters, foreign trade and agriculture. PhD dissertation, Wirtschafts Uniersität Vienna [Vienna, Austria. University of Economics and Business]. 192 pp.

Saldaña-Zorrilla, Sergio Omar. 2007. Socioeconomic vulnerability to natural disasters in Mexico: rural poor, trade and public response. United Nations. CEPAL – Serie Estudios y perspectivas [Studies and perspectives Series] – México – No 92.

Santoro, Patrick. 2016. Neighbourhood Planning and Community Support for New Multi-Family Housing Projects in Vancouver. Master of Urban Studies Thesis, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada. 128 pp.

Sajjadzadeh, Hassan and Amir Rahmani. 2014. الگوی گسترش فضایی منطقه 13 شهر تهران [Spatial Extension Pattern of District 13 of Tehran City]. Vol.11/No.29/Summer 2014/Spatial Extension Pattern of District 13 of Tehran City…/25-36.

Sarram, Arman. 2017. Design Framework and Consideration for Urban Mosques in Kuala Lumpur as a Model of Compact City. M.S. thesis submitted to the School of Graduate Studies, Universiti Putra Malaysia. 34 pp.

Sattanno, Kaylene, M. E. Swisher, and K. N. Moore. 2017. Sustainable Community Development. Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS), University of Florida. Department of Family, Youth and Community Sciences, UF/IFAS Extension. 3pp.

Shan, Baoguo, Shao Xi, Yu Shan, and He Sanwei. 2018. 中国城市蔓延阶段特征及驱动因素分析 [Analysis on phase characteristics and driving factors of urban sprawl in China]. Journal of Geo-information Science 20(3): 302-310.

Sims, Katharine R. E. and Jenny Schuetz. 2007. Environmental Regulation and Land Use Change: Do Local Wetlands Bylaws Slow the Conversion of Open Spaces to Residential Uses? CID Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Fellow Working Paper No. 18. Center for International Development and Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University; Rappaport Institute for Greater Boston. June.

Slemp, Christopher, Mae A. Davenport, Erin Seekamp, Joan M. Brehm, Jon E. Schoonover, and Karl W.J. Williard. 2012. “Growing too fast:” Local stakeholders speak out about growth and its consequences for community well-being in the urban–rural interface. Landscape and Urban Planning 106 (2012) 139-148.

Superczynski, Stephen D. and Sundar A. Christopher. 2011. Exploring Land Use and Land Cover Effects on Air Quality in Central Alabama Using GIS and Remote Sensing. Remote Sensing 3, 2552-2567

Sutton, Paul C. 2003. A scale-adjusted measure of ‘‘Urban sprawl’’ using nighttime satellite imagery. Remote Sensing of Environment 86 (2003) 353–369.

Sutton, Paul C., Goetz, Andrew R., Fildes, Stephen, Forster, Clive and Ghosh, Tilottama. 2010. Darkness on the Edge of Town: Mapping Urban and Peri-Urban Australia Using Nighttime Satellite Imagery. The Professional Geographer 62: 1, 119-133.

Swisher, M.E., Sandra Rezola and James Sterns. 2003. El Desarrollo Sostenible de la Comunidad [Community Sustainable Development]. University of Florida IFAS Extension. September.

Theobold, David M. 2005. Landscape Patterns of Exurban Growth in the USA from 1980 to 2020. Ecology and Society. Vol. 10, No. 1. 34 pp.

Tsoulou, I. 2018. Investigating Links Among Urban Sprawl and Environmental Justice Indicators in US Territories. plaNext – next generation planning. 7: 117-135.

United Nations Environment Programme. 2007. GEO4: Global Environment Outlook – Environment For Development. Section A: Overview. Chapter 1, Environment for Development. 572 pp.

United Nations Environment Programme. 2002. North America’s Environment: A Thirty-Year State of the Environment and Policy Retrospective. ISBN: 92-807-2234-4. 228 pp.

Venkatesh, Nikhil, Alexia P. Payan, Cedric Y. Justin, Ethan Kee, and Dimitri N. Mavris. 2020. Optimal Siting of Sub-Urban Air Mobility (sUAM) Ground Architectures using Network Flow Formulation. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. AIAA 2020-2921. Session: Urban Air Mobility II. Published online 8 June.

Vidic, Natasha J. 2009. Measuring the sprawl of the Sacramento Metropolitan Area, 1992-2001. American River College, Geography 350: Data Acquisition in GIS; Spring 2009.

von Hoffman, Alexander and David C. Soule. 2005. “Immigration: Friend or Foe.” Chapter 18 in Soule, David C. (ed.). 2005. Urban Sprawl: A Comprehensive Reference Guide. Greenwood Publishers. 592 pp.

Walls, Margaret and Virginia McConnell. No date. Incentive-Based Land Use Policies and Water Quality in the Chesapeake Bay.

Yu, Zhou. No date. Immigration and Sprawl: Race/Ethnicity, Immigrant Status, and Residential Mobility in Household Location Choice. Prepared under Grant Number H-21390SG from the U.S. Department Housing and Urban Development, Office of University Partnerships; institutional support of USC Lusk Center for Real Estate and USC Population Dynamics Research Group. 46 pp.

Yue, Wenze, Yong Liu, and Peilei Fanb. 2013. Measuring urban sprawl and its drivers in large Chinese cities: The case of Hangzhou. Land Use Policy 31 (2013) 358– 370.

Zarro, C., D. Cerra, S. Auer, S., S. L. Ullo, P. Reinartz. 2022. Urban Sprawl and COVID-19 Impact Analysis by Integrating Deep Learning with Google Earth Engine. Remote Sensing 2022, 14, 2038. 19 pp.

Zovanyi, Gabor. 2005. Urban Growth Management and Ecological Sustainability: Confronting the “Smart Growth” Fallacy. Pp. 35-44 in Bengston, David N., tech. ed. 2005. Policies for managing urban growth and landscape change: a key to conservation in the 21st Century. Gen. Tech. Rep. NC-265. St. Paul, MN: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, North Central Research Station. 51 pp.

Zuckerman, Ben and Stuart H. Hurlbert. 2001. Is Overimmigration in the U.S. Morally Defensible? San Diego Union-Tribune. August 3. Reprinted in John Meany and Kate Shuster (eds.) On That Point! An Introduction to Parliamentary Debate. International Debate Education Association – New York, Amsterdam, Brussels. 2003. 336 pp.

*This is not a comprehensive list of citations of NumbersUSA sprawl studies in the scholarly and academic literature.

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