What do we want? Audacity.

By Jeremy Beck

As is often the case, it’s easy to know what we don’t want. We don’t want to continue the cycle of on-again-off-again enforcement. We don’t want another “one time” amnesty with promises of future enforcement. We don’t want another four years of false debate about whether immigrants or Americans opposed to mass immigration are to be feared or loathed. What do we want? Audacity. We want … Continued

The Essential Barbara Jordan

By Jeremy Beck

Today is Barbara Jordan’s birthday. She would have been 88 years old. Tragically, she died in 1996, just before Congress voted on the immigration recommendations she developed over the last years of her life.

We Say it Often, Numbers Count. And Here’s An Example of Why

By Christy Shaw

Add Ecuador to a growing list of South American countries beginning to close or significantly restrict mass migration spilling over their borders, a tragic consequence of the chaos and corruption that has plunged over 90% of Venezuela’s population into poverty. It is estimated that by the end of this year, over 5 million Venezuelens will … Continued

We regard all U.S. citizens — foreign-born & natives — the same. THIS is home.

By Roy Beck

Shouts such as “holocaust” from one side and I want to urge all who seek a restored order at the border and a reduction in immigration numbers to avoid even a hint of nativism in response to the challenges at hand. {text} NUMBERSUSA OPPOSESnativist policies that favor native‐born U.S. citizens over foreign‐born U.S. citizens.”– From … Continued

EarthX 2019: Having Necessary Conversations about Population Growth, Sprawl, and Vanishing Open Spaces

By Christy Shaw

It was my first year joining the NumbersUSA team at Fair Park in Dallas, TX for the annual EarthX event! In general, it was fun and rewarding to be able to share important information with our booth visitors about the impacts of urban sprawl and population growth, both locally and nationally. Most passersby agreed that … Continued

Reihan Salam sees an immigration system at odds with our egalitarian ideals

By Jeremy Beck

Presidents Trump and Obama’s rhetoric on immigration are strikingly similar in at least one respect: they both promise(d) to be tough on bad guys and welcoming of good guys. Obama vowed an enforcement regime that focused on “felons, not families.” Trump promised to go after the “bad hombres” while letting in the “wonderful people.” Every … Continued

Happy Labor Day From NumbersUSA!

By Eric Ruark

May I wish you a Happy Labor Day by pointing out that the leadership of the two political parties in control of our federal government are actively seeking to undermine the standing of American workers. This may change after the mid-term elections. Most likely not. The election of Donald J. Trump sent shockwaves through the … Continued

How do YOU suggest helping needy people in other nations — instead of through immigration?

By Roy Beck

On this Christmas Eve — a week after Hanukkah and a week before New Year’s — feelings about our bonds with all of humankind are at a peak.    We who favor reduced U.S. immigration levels tend to agree with most of the great philosophical and religious traditions for thousands of years that people’s responsibilities to the vulnerable are … Continued

Wither Credibility?

By Jeremy Beck

A recent story in the New York Times, “Deportations Continue Despite U.S. Review of Backlog,” reported that DHS officials expect to suspend the deportation orders of at least 20,600 people by the end of 2012. In one striking sentence, the story depicts a president caught between his obligation to enforce the law and his desire … Continued