America’s rivers are beset by our unrelenting population growth

By Henry Barbaro

September 22nd was World Rivers Day, which is an annual global event that falls on the fourth Sunday of every September. Rivers play a vital role in our lives and the environment, and World Rivers Day serves as a rally cry to safeguard rivers for future generations while preserving the ancient web of life that … Continued

The Devastating Dilution of Democracy

By Henry Barbaro

With a total population of 336 million and 435 reps in Congress, the representation-ratio has dropped way down to one rep for every 772,000 people.  In a few generations, an individual’s “voice” has become a mere whisper of what it once was.

What limits – if any – will the next administration seek?

By Jeremy Beck

Immigration adds 3.5 million people to the U.S. every year (roughly the city of Los Angeles). Sustainable immigration requires: Reducing legal immigration and Stopping illegal immigration. What limits – if any – will the next administration seek? Population Clock NumbersUSA Immigration Clock Since midnight, immigration (legal and illegal) has added this many people today. The Biden administration removed the guardrails at the border. Illegal immigration spiked from all over … Continued

The signs are clear. Ecological overshoot is here.

By Rob Harding

Many thanks to my friend Karen Shragg, naturalist and gifted writer, for her meditation on Earth Overshoot. Shragg writes: “As our traffic jams and homelessness increase while our open land for wildlife is doing a deep dive it is time to consider the harsh reality that our country may be expansive, but it is not … Continued

Mingling with the Activists during my Boston Media Blitz

By Andre Barnes

My trip to Boston was amazing! I gave two presentations, had an OP-ED published, and completed a radio show. I was out in Boston with the movers and shakers, who are pushing back against the open border narratives. I also had an opportunity to meet with a few community members and let them know more … Continued

Sprawl is the top driver of America’s nature loss. It’s time to confront the top driver of America’s sprawl.

By Rob Harding

Think globally, act locally, set an example This week’s International Day for Biological Diversity invites us to “be part of the Plan.” The Plan refers to the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, also known as the Biodiversity Plan. For those of us in the U.S., our collective efforts to stop America’s loss of nature are contributing … Continued

Math reflects Mayhem on the Border

By James Massa

NumbersUSA explains how unprecedented border crossings are impacted by effort of President of Mexico

Census data reveals 2 million increase in foreign-born population under Pres. Biden

By Eric Ruark

Last month the Center for Immigration Studies released a report on the increase in the foreign-born population in the United States since President Biden took office on January 21, 2021. The report by Steven A. Camarota and Karen Zeigler found, not surprisingly, that it had increased by two million and that this increase was “driven … Continued

2021 Immigration Review & 2022 Outlook for Workers

By Lisa Irving

Immigration was a significant part of the Biden administration’s agenda in 2021, irrespective of the minimized media attention it garnered. These stories, however, covered top immigration news over the past twelve months, including executive actions, record border crossings, the administration’s focus on “root causes,” low polling, and amnesty in Build Back Better legislation. 2021 In … Continued