Biggest & Cheapest Way To Control U.S. Carbon Emissions? Our New Interactive Web Tool Will Show You

author Published by Roy Beck

Polls suggest that Americans are quite divided about what the climate change summit in Copenhagen ought to be doing this week. The big push there is to persuade nations to adopt goals of limiting carbon emissions.

Governments such as China and the U.S. are resisting because of various kinds of giant costs.

But check out our new interactive website feature that shows how reducing immigration and stopping its role in forcing huge U.S. population growth would be the single biggest — and cheapest — way to limit future growth in the U.S. carbon footprint while technological and other measures could have a chance to reduce it.

This new addition to NumbersUSA’s array of innovative website tools provides animated intros and interactive features to help a new generation of Americans understand the role of immigration policy in all kinds of resource and quality-of-life issues.

Watch the 2-minute, 6-second animated intro and then play around with the interactive feature that allows you to set immigration at any level and then see how that changes our red and green future U.S. population growth chart.

That’s right, you can find out what would happen if you were President and could persuade Congress to accept YOUR numbers.

The point of is to help people see that every quality-of-life and resource concern in America is made worse by high immigration numbers. And that every one of those concerns would be lessened — at very little expense — if we reduce immigration numbers.

You’ll see special sections on oil use and green space destruction.

The opening animated video should provide most people with the overview that relates to almost any concern they may have for life in America.

This intro video is yet another variation on our 13-year theme that numbers are the most important part of the immigration issue and must be faced. Eventually if unchanged, the immigration numbers will force every American to have to confront the sobering impossibilities of preserving quality of life in this country or of meeting various resources goals.

For those who will try to argue that U.S. population growth from immigration doesn’t change global environmental impact because it is just moving people from one place to another, please note:

The average immigrant rather quickly increases his or her consumption of resources and emissions into air and water by at least 500% — and eventually is consuming and emitting at levels 1,000% and even 2,000% higher than he/she was doing in the home country. They do this because most move to the U.S. in hopes of increasing consumption to the level of the average American. One can’t blame the individuals for doing what Americans do, but when immigration moves people by the millions into the U.S. the effect on global resources can add up to a lot.
Furthermore, immigrants from most of the top-sending countries increase their fertility after moving to the United States, which means the global population grows faster than if immigrants had stayed home. So, it isn’t just a matter of moving the same number of people around the map.

Locally, though, the effect of immigration is even more powerful.

Check out to see what immigration numbers are doing to the destruction of farmland and natural eco-systems across our country.

And see the direct connection between immigration numbers and our level of dependence on foreign oil sources.

Please share this internet tool in classrooms, public forums and civic and religious study groups.

ROY BECK is Founder & CEO of NumbersUSA

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Immigration Grade Cards

NumbersUSA provides the only comprehensive immigration grade cards. See how your member of Congress’ rates and find grades going back to the 104th Congress (1995-97).

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