We Unveil First 2020 Rating for Top Democratic Candidates

By Roy Beck

Let’s get beyond impressions and general attitudes about the Democratic front-runners’ positions on immigration issues. Our Prez Grid focuses on the 7 candidates whose Real Clear Politics average polling number exceeded the 2% mark on Sep. 1. That includes in alphabetical order Joe Biden, Pete Buttigieg, Kamala Harris, Beto O’Rourke, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Andrew … Continued

Democratic voters say make all businesses use E-Verify

By Roy Beck

Will candidates agree with the Party’s voters that immigration laws should favor recruiting — and pay raises for — American workers? You wouldn’t sense it from the candidates in the Democratic debates thus far, but most Democratic voters want the government to stop illegal migration. And they want it done in a way that should … Continued

We regard all U.S. citizens — foreign-born & natives — the same. THIS is home.

By Roy Beck

Shouts such as “holocaust” from one side and I want to urge all who seek a restored order at the border and a reduction in immigration numbers to avoid even a hint of nativism in response to the challenges at hand. {text} NUMBERSUSA OPPOSESnativist policies that favor native‐born U.S. citizens over foreign‐born U.S. citizens.”– From … Continued

Grading Congress on protecting our INDEPENDENCE from coerced congestion

By Roy Beck

If you are finding your Fourth of July weekend diminished by over-packed highways, over-crowded parks, and ill-maintained infrastructures unable to keep up with the people growth, blame the Members of Congress. Since the year 2000, nearly 50 million people have been added to our sprawling cities. And Congress’ immigration policies caused most of it, according … Continued

OUR NEW AD — Real Wages Still Below 1970s Wages

By Roy Beck

Don’t let immigration slow down the momentum for U.S. wage increases. That’s the key message and purpose of our latest cable TV ad campaign. You can view the ad here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D5-e1oUXALE. Or click on the image below. A lot of people are celebrating that the recent strong economy of jobs growth has tightened the labor … Continued

RAISE Act would continue momentum of U.S. workers finally getting raises

By Roy Beck

The RAISE Act is exactly what a Congress would pass if it were committed to the idea of helping tens of millions of struggling Americans in stagnant jobs or outside the labor market altogether. It is the job of us who work at NumbersUSA – and, I hope, the mission of the 8 million members … Continued

‘Immigration work permits’ may out-number new jobs each month

By Roy Beck

The government jobs report today estimated that {text}new ones were created in the U.S. during March. Over the last three months, the average has been above 180,000 a month. That sounds pretty good . . . until you consider that our federal government seems to be much more intent on adding more foreign workers monthly … Continued

POLL: Lop-sided majorities in 31 Toss Up districts want caravans kept out & legal immigration numbers reduced

By Roy Beck

With all the sensational campaign coverage of immigration issues this month, NumbersUSA commissioned Pulse Opinion Research to find out how those issues are affecting the views of likely midterm voters in congressional districts with the closest races. Those are the races that will determine which Party controls the U.S. House of Representatives. CARAVANS FROM CENTRAL … Continued

Immigration Reducers in 16 Tight Races

By Roy Beck

The closest races for the U.S. House of Representatives include 16 with a candidate committed to lower immigration who is competing with a candidate who is not. Most of these 16 — who are as likely to lose as to win — are incumbents with good reduction records in Congress. In an email to all … Continued