Mass immigration threatens all versions of the American Dream

By Christy Shaw

What is, and where is, the American Dream for you? A dream of a better, richer, and happier life for all our citizens of every rank.” John Truslow Adams (, 2015) Is it Rural? Urban? Suburban? I offer that it doesn’t matter. “Better, richer, and happier” can happen in all three so long as we … Continued

50 years ago, John Denver was already cautioning against too many people in Colorado…

By Christy Shaw

In 1972, just two years before singer-songwriter John Denver was inspired to write Rocky Mountain High, the population of his favorite state of Colorado was 2.21 million. By 2021, the population had more than doubled to 5.8 million. And it is still growing rapidly. According to NumbersUSA’s new Colorado Sprawl Study, 53% of the growth … Continued

Manchin is correct: The border is not secure. Here is what he can, and should do to fix immigration

By Christy Shaw

Senator Manchin was right to call out Vice President Harris’s delusional claim that the border is secure. His firm reproach of her false claim, saying she is “dead wrong,” is also timely given that just in this year alone the Department of Homeland Security has so far recorded an unprecedented 2.2 million southern border apprehensions. … Continued

Reducing Immigration Will Create Economic Space for American Workers

By Christy Shaw

Sensible immigration reform can pave the way for aligning economic “Made in America” production goals with assurances that those newly-created U.S.-based jobs would also prioritize a domestic American workforce. Now is a golden opportunity for Congress to reform immigration policy that would enhance the potential “boon” to workers predicted by several analysts who are cautiously … Continued

Losing ground to grow food: Food security is national security

By Christy Shaw

National security involves many things, including domestic food security. That is becoming increasingly more difficult as immigration policy is driven by the premise that the United States needs to add as many people as possible as fast as possible. Immigration policy reforms are needed to stabilize U.S. population growth and safeguard national security. And that … Continued

Increasing threats to loss of habitat in fastest growing states

By Christy Shaw

Immigration-driven population growth and its secondary pressure on state to state migration is leading to further development over habitat and further endangering already beleaguered wildlife. Loss of wildlife habitat is accelerating and now spreading well beyond the more widely reported coastal or dense urban areas. Since the year 2000, when NumbersUSA began conducting its sprawl … Continued

Japan: A population fly in the ointment for U.S. immigration expansionists

By Christy Shaw

The story of Japan’s puzzling lower inflation rate, compared to that of the U.S., deposits a fly in the middle of an otherwise well-oiled U.S. corporate and mass media narrative to insist that fighting inflation, like every other issue facing our country, is solved by increasing immigration. But Japan seems so far uninterested in loosening … Continued

Denial of mass immigration policy realities is exposing the holes in Biden’s bold environmental climate agenda

By Christy Shaw

Better keep President Biden’s hot air balloon ready for the escape. It’s looking more like the Wizard’s curtains are being drawn back further to expose the president’s delusion that his mass immigration policies can continue alongside his bold environmental protection agenda. The Administration will soon hold its second sale of leases on federal lands to … Continued

Growing Food for a Growing Population: Paving Over Open Space Makes that a Challenge

By Christy Shaw

As reported in The Guardian, The United Nation’s Global Land Outlook, Second Edition report findings recently revealed that over 40% of the world’s land is now degraded. Degraded land is defined as that: …which has been depleted of natural resources, soil fertility, water, biodiversity, trees or native vegetation…” The report further explains that “degraded” land … Continued