Search results for: Roy Beck
“‘If they’re trying to make another effort at amnesty in the fall, then this is a pretty smart thing they’re doing,’ said Roy Beck, executive director of NumbersUSA, a Virginia-based organization that helped engineer a fierce grass-roots campaign in June to defeat a bipartisan Senate bill that would have offered legalization to undocumented immigrants…”Chicago Tribune
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“‘A lot of people on our side are saying the same thing,’ says Roy Beck, director of NumbersUSA, an ‘immigrant reduction’ organization opposed to granting citizenship to illegal immigrants, which processed more than 2 million faxes to Congress in opposition to the Senate bill. ‘We believe these very public and dramatic raids were designed to … Continued
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“Roy Beck, executive director of NumbersUSA, which belongs to the [Coalition for the Future American Worker] and supports capping immigration, said he hopes to run radio spots featuring [T. Willard Fair, president of the Urban League of Greater Miami]. He said he was captivated by him after attending a symposium in Washington that Fair initiated … Continued
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“‘[Giuliani] was constantly extolling the glory of illegal immigration,’ said Roy Beck, president of NumbersUSA, a group that advocates limits on immigration and penalties for undocumented workers. ‘He’s backing away from some of it now…'” Washington Post
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“”Already by Friday afternoon, we had some of the Republican offices calling us and saying: ‘Would you tell your members we’re definitely going to vote no, and will you call off the phone calls?’ said Roy Beck, executive director of NumbersUSA, which has deemed the bill an amnesty for illegal aliens and whose members already … Continued
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“The public mood against an immigration bill seems to have developed swiftly after that. The Senate last summer passed a bill that was seen as more generous to illegal immigrants, but ‘talk radio was nowhere’ then, said Roy Beck of NumbersUSA, a Washington group that opposes increased immigration…” June Kronholz and Amy Schatz, in … Continued
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Every candidate wants voters to think he/she would end future illegal immigration. But NumbersUSA’s Roy Beck finds that of 15 candidates of both parties, only six are even making promises that rate them as “good” or “excellent” on fighting future illegal immigration. Likewise, only four of these 15 are making promises that rate them as … Continued
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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASESenators Heard Constituent Pressure to Vote Against AmnestyWASHINGTON, DC – Today, the Senate voted against the AgJOBS amnesty. In a procedural vote requiring 60 votes to limit debate and ensure a vote on the amendment the Senate voted 53 to 45 to invoke cloture, effectively keeping the amnesty off the Iraq Supplemental. The … Continued
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If Mayor Adams took a tour of U.S. communities with low levels of immigration, he’d find American teenagers working as lifeguards. Employers who offer competitive wages and flexible hours to teens find a willing workforce. Increases in low-wage immigrant employment, on the other hand, has been found to decrease work for teens.
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