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Search results for: Jeremy Beck



Trump doubles down on Immigration & “Black Jobs”

Given the economics of the migrant crisis, Jackson says Black males perceive that “that illegal mass immigration of illegal immigrants in their community is so that they can swap out Black people for brown. They believe that they’re put there deliberately to take those jobs – low-industry, low-skill jobs that are historically held by African-American males.”

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J.D. Vance gets an “A” from NumbersUSA; echoes Barbara Jordan in convention speech

In his acceptance speech Wednesday night at the Republican National Convention, Vance sounded a whole lot like the late Democrat Barbara Jordan.

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Harris’ Immigration Grade: 1% (F-minus); lower than Biden’s

Kamala Harris’ NumbersUSA grade during her time in Congress was 1 percent. By comparison, Joe Biden’s Congressional Grade Card was 34% and J.D. Vance’s is 90% (Trump did not serve in Congress). Click on the links to view their full Grade Cards. NumbersUSA issues a grade for every member of Congress based on their support … Continued

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Texas needs E-Verify to curb illegal immigration; protect habitat

The following are excerpts from Leon Kolankiewicz's oped, "Texas needn't choose between protecting the environment and securing the border," in the Austin American-Statesman, July 9, 2024:

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America’s immigration-driven population growth worsens desertification.

Almost a third of land in America is affected by desertification, the process by which fertile land becomes desert.

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100th Anniversary of the Immigration Act of 1924

This Saturday marks the 100th anniversary of the signing of the Immigration Act of 1924, arguably the most overlooked and misunderstood immigration legislation in American history. As NumbersUSA’s CEO James Massa says, the 1924 Act “made the American middle class.” The Immigration Act of 1965, on the other hand, has resulted in greater inequality. Both bills had pros and cons. A better immigration policy in 2024 requires a better understanding of the Immigration Act of 1924.

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Nevada’s explosive population growth fuels urban sprawl

In a new poll taken by Rasmussen Reports and NumbersUSA, 82% of Nevada’s residents said they wanted the population to grow much more slowly (40%) or not at all (42%).

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Schools overwhelmed by border crisis

The huge spike in inadmissible children entering the U.S. unaccompanied (UC) or as part of a family unit (FMUA) is overwhelming school systems in receiving communities.

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Immigration is making housing more expensive

Even before the migrant surge, back in 2017, the Urban Institute found that while inflows of immigrants caused a significant increase in home prices and rents in big cities, the areas surrounding those cities experienced even more cost inflation.  This in turn drives both densification within our cities plus sprawling growth well beyond.

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