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Search results for: Henry Barbaro



Mingling with the Activists during my Boston Media Blitz

My trip to Boston was amazing! I gave two presentations, had an OP-ED published, and completed a radio show. I was out in Boston with the movers and shakers, who are pushing back against the open border narratives. I also had an opportunity to meet with a few community members and let them know more … Continued

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Less immigration would save habitat; wildlife

The most direct and fundamental way to resolve America’s decline in biodiversity is to gradually bring down our high levels of immigration. Habitat loss cannot be stopped as long as immigration (legal and illegal) continues to add roughly three and a half million people every year.

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Immigration policy is habitat policy

If America has a responsibility for preserving habitat and biodiversity within our borders, policymakers should look at our latest study, Population Growth and Sprawl in Texas to see how even a state as big as Texas is losing critical habitat. Since population growth drives habitat loss, and immigration policy drives population growth, immigration policy is … Continued

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