Search results for: Eddie Huey
Sen. Schumer’s PRO-amnesty petition had a big day today and seems to be picking up momentum.But the nation’s top ANTI-amnesty petition has even more momentum. My great thanks to all of you who were part of adding more than 30,000 new signers today!For the first time, the ANTI-amnesty petition has more signers than the one … Continued
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Very slowly, more and more Members of Congress are starting to look at the practical consequences of the Senate Gang of Eight’s broad proposals for a “path to citizenship” for some 11 million illegal aliens. Elected officials have to be forced to consider that a better phrase would be that they are being asked to provide the … Continued
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(Editor’s Note: allowed Roy to publish this op-ed on Dec.27. It is available at: is non-partisan and doesn’t try to help one political party over another. But it does advise political parties on how they might best approach immigration issues while using their own key principles. While this op-ed speaks most directly to Republican politicians … Continued
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On this Christmas Eve — a week after Hanukkah and a week before New Year’s — feelings about our bonds with all of humankind are at a peak. We who favor reduced U.S. immigration levels tend to agree with most of the great philosophical and religious traditions for thousands of years that people’s responsibilities to the vulnerable are … Continued
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The immigration strategy announced by Mitt Romney today provided a lot of reasons for hope among most American workers — especially for Hispanic Americans — but troubling news for the country’s students and workers in high-skill fields. His approach to illegal immigration is solid in focusing on identifying visa overstayers and denying jobs to illegal … Continued
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President Obama thwarted the will of Congress and shunned the 20 million under-employed and unemployed Americans by announcing he will grant work permits to 2 million to 3 million illegal immigrants. This appears to be an unconstitutional fiat that not only usurps congressional authority to set immigration policy but directly contradicts what Congress has already … Continued
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The L.A. Times oped “Fixing Immigration” perpetuates the class myopia which often colors mainline media’s perspective on immigration. Once again, we’re told to “fix” immigration with another legalization scheme for the 11 million illegal aliens who are currently here (amnesty number 8), that Americans won’t do menial labor, that “self deportation” is a “fantasy”, that … Continued
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Traveling around Ohio — a state that either Obama or Romney likely has to win in November — I can’t help but notice that the people cleaning my motel rooms, planting the flowers, running the cash registers at gas stations and other stores, and working the fast-food restaurants are NOT immigrants. Unfortunately, when I look at … Continued
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Some accuse us of opposition to “progress.” Or of impractical nostalgia, if we long for a less-congested America. But is the quality of life made better by the addition of 100 million people to the U.S. since 1970? Let’s give each other glimpses of places we have loved in our lives that really don’t exist any more because of … Continued
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