Search results for: Eddie Huey
An almost shocking story from today’s Bloomberg News follows a defiant Sen. Lindsey Graham as he travels South Carolina selling his Gang of Eight comprehensive amnesty.The bottom line seems to be that Graham will not step away from the comprehensive amnesty bill no matter how many unemployed South Carolinians, their families and friends say it … Continued
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The report is attractive, thick and has a lot of impressive-sounding academic language, including some helpful findings. But the news out of the latest Brookings Institute poll claiming majority support for amnesty does not give an accurate picture of what already was not a very credible poll.The big headlines throughout the news media are that the rather … Continued
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Time magazine provides almost the perfect example of how little America’s opinion elites identify with America’s working classes.It comes today at the end of a rather helpful article by Alex Altman, entitled “Four Hurdles That Could Block Immigration Reform.” the New York Times and a number of other media trumpeting that comprehensive immigration reform looks … Continued
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Whether or not you admire the bold individualistic leadership of Rand Paul (R-Ky.) on other issues, I know you will be disappointed and maybe even shocked by the immigration platform he outlined this morning before the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. KEY POINTS OF THE RAND PAUL AMNESTY The 11-19 million illegal aliens would get … Continued
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Based on the ridiculous and inhumane claim that America suffers from a labor shortage, two groups of elites (business and evangelical leaders) are pouring big money into countering NumbersUSA’s TV and radio ads that criticize Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.).News media are clear that both groups are rushing their ads into South Carolina to protect Sen. Graham from the weeks … Continued
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I have no doubt that America’s Catholic bishops are nice people and that they mean well. But their callous indifference to America’s unemployed and low-wage workers is astounding when it comes to their lobbying on immigration policy. The Washington Post reports that the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops is going to expend another $800,000 of … Continued
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The claims in our TV and radio ads about Sen. Graham (R-S.C.) and his Gang of Eight’s comprehensive immigration reform proposals are so shocking that some South Carolina news outlets are saying they must be false. Well, they ARE shocking. But, sadly for South Carolina’s and the nation’s workers and taxpayers, the information in the ads is … Continued
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It was nice to see Republican Senators Rand Paul, Marco Rubio and Lindsey Graham indicate that the leaked White House amnesty outline over the weekend was far too radical to even consider.But — as many commentators have already noted — the Obama outline was pretty similar in key respects to what these pro-amnesty Republicans have been saying.For … Continued
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The President’s State of the Union address and the Republican and Tea Party responses were supposed to focus on the need to put Americans back to work. But I was not surprised to hear very little compassion for the jobless when they talked about immigration. Nonetheless, the sense of inevitability of an amnesty passing this year seemed … Continued
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