Search results for: Eddie Huey
During last year’s Memorial Day weekend, I offered readers of this website the opportunity to post the name of somebody who had died in uniformed service that they didn’t want to be forgotten. Not only was the outpouring huge, but the short statements were meaningful glimpses that became powerfully emotional as they accumulated one on … Continued
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I’m starting to get a lot of media calls about our assessment of Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio) who is being mentioned on a short-list for vice-presidential running mates for Mitt Romney. My answers are textured, but the bottom line is that his career immigration record in Congress earns him an overall Career D+ and a percentage … Continued
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No matter which Party wins in November, the Indiana Senate seat now held by Richard Lugar should produce far better immigration actions in the future. Democrat primary winner Joe Donnelly has a B+ Career immigration grade in the U.S. House. And the GOP primary victor, Richard Mourdock, filled out the NumbersUSA survey to earn the title … Continued
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We’re starting to get quite a lot of inquiries from our members about what is going on with NumbersUSA and a much trumpeted “DREAM” amnesty proposal by Sen. Marco Rubio. Because he is Hispanic, Republican and possibly a VP candidate, and because he is meeting with long-time DREAM supporters among Democrats and Hispanic groups and … Continued
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NumbersUSA again this year is at one of the nation’s three largest Earth Day Festivals, at the Texas State Fairgrounds. We are displaying our giant red and green U.S. population chart, as usual. And, as usual, lots of people do some double takes at seeing the population issue raised in the midst of scores of … Continued
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The House Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration Policy and Enforcement hosted a hearing on Wednesday titled “Document Fraud in Employment Authorization: How an E-Verify Requirement Can Help.” The hearing featured the testimony of Jennifer Andrushko who found out two years ago that the Social Security number of her 5-year-old son has been being used for more … Continued
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The House Judiciary Committee hosted a Department of Homeland Security oversight hearing last Wednesday with Secretary Janet Napolitano. As you may recall, the House Homeland Security Committee shares a certain amount of legislative jurisdiction with the House Judiciary Committee regarding the Department of Homeland Security. While the Homeland Security Committee covers border security issues, most … Continued
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The projection that today the world population passed the 7-billion mark was a grim reminder that global population continues to grow by some 80 million a year. Should the American people open our doors to as much of that population surplus as possible each year? Do we have a moral obligation to do so. Yes, … Continued
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EDITOR’S NOTE: The following report is from the House Immigration Subcommittee’s oversight hearing on the priorities of immigration enforcement. ICE Director John Morton had to defend the Administration’s policy of granting deferred action or parole to illegal aliens who hadn’t committed a serious crime. Rep. Ted Poe challenged Morton for implementing a policy that encourages … Continued
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