Search results for: Admins



LEGAL Immigration – A Tool for Modern Day Slavery

When NumbersUSA aired the “Lower LEGAL Immigration” ad during two recent GOP national debates, a number of individuals posted comments on Twitter in disbelief that any organization would advocate lower legal immigration levels. Amnesty is the only form of LEGAL immigration that some are willing to stand against. However, just because something is legal doesn’t … Continued

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Votes Cast in 6 States Next Week Could Have Impact on State-Level Immigration Laws

Disclaimer: NumbersUSA is a non-partisan organization that does not advocate for or against any candidate or party. We ask, however, that you consider the immigration-related positions of candidates when making your choices. Most folks are focusing on the 2012 elections now but it’s important to remember that a few states hold 2011 gubernatorial and state … Continued

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New Code Word for Amnesty: Assimilation Immigration

A newsletter I subscribe to sent out an alert last week entitled “Evangelical Leaders Unite on Just Assimilation Immigration Policy.” With heightened interest I began reading about how the law in Arizona is a response to the federal government’s failure, that we need a rational immigration policy, that we are a nation of laws, and … Continued

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Real Dangers of Overpopulation Witnessed Abroad

I currently live in Cairo, Egypt, a city of approximately 18 million people within the metropolitan area. That’s more than twice the population of New York City. Cairo is also a city of extreme pollution. It is said that living in Cairo is equivalent to smoking a pack of cigarettes a day, as the average … Continued

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Grade Congress on their Actions! Immigration-Reduction Report Cards

The NumbersUSA Local Power Team is quietly rolling out its S.T.O.P. AMNESTY in 2010! Target: State by State campaign. The Local Power Team has been out in force over the past two weeks passing out thousands of NumbersUSA Immigration-Reduction Report Cards, raising awareness, and declaring “No Amnesty!” The videos below offer a sense of our … Continued

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NumbersUSA Grassroots Activists swarm Local Offices with ‘S.T.O.P. Amnesty’ Message

Yesterday was Day #1 of “S.T.O.P. AMNESTY in 4 DAYS!” to counter the Pro-Amnesty “March for America” in Washington D.C. taking place this Sunday, March 21, 2010. Thousands of our Local Power Team members visited Local District Offices with this letter and these talking points. I’ve had the pleasure of coordinating more than 200 of … Continued

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“The Broken Door” – How the Lack of Enforcement of Immigration Law Threatens Our National Security

For many of us, the recent announcement that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed – the alleged mastermind of the September 11th attacks – will be tried in Manhattan has brought back painful memories of the worst attack on United States soil in history. These memories are a reminder of how vulnerable our country can be to its … Continued

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Friends of Arizona Businesses with Illegal Workers Take E-Verify Law to Supreme Court (see the list)

In a last ditch effort to undermine Arizona’s mandatory E-Verify law for employers, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and a coalition of business and open-border groups have asked the U.S. Supreme Court to determine whether Arizona’s law is preempted by federal law. The case (Chamber of Commerce of the U.S. of Am. v. Candelaria, U.S.) … Continued

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Faulty and Superficial Study From Immigration Lawyers Lobby

As an undergraduate economics major with one year to go, I am amazed at the amateurish analysis contained in a new study by an immigration lawyers group that contends that immigration rates in an area have no connection to unemployment. The study by the Immigration Policy Center was released Monday, May 19, 2009. It is … Continued

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