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As an undergraduate economics major with one year to go, I am amazed at the amateurish analysis contained in a new study by an immigration lawyers group that contends that immigration rates in an area have no connection to unemployment. The study by the Immigration Policy Center was released Monday, May 19, 2009. It is … Continued
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A key Democratic Senator in the health care overhaul says illegal aliens can’t be covered under whatever emerges. Open-borders advocates are howling. Here’s the big question for national Democratic leaders: If they recognize that national health insurance for illegal aliens is too expensive, can they see that an amnesty essentially locks in the cost by … Continued
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I just finished looking at our fax reports this morning. Members ordered 43,340 faxes to Congress, the President, and Secretary Napolitano yesterday. This compares to 44,732 faxes on Monday. As Director of Technology at NumbersUSA, it is my job, among other things, to make sure these get delivered. Looking over the reports, I see that … Continued
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See below the religious affiliations of NumbersUSA’s activist members. Our survey unveils a remarkable diversity that reflects our nation as a whole. The results defy efforts of open-borders enthusiasts to paint NumbersUSA as coming from a narrow spectrum of the American people. Approximately the same percentage of our members as the public at large report having … Continued
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Immigrant unemployment is now soaring. During 18 months of recession as millions of Americans lost jobs, Congress has resolutely refused to reduce immigration and the importation of foreign workers. Scores of our elected officials appear to feel much more obligation to immigrants than to vulnerable Americans among their constituents. Now, a new study shows that … Continued
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On Thursday, three illegal migrants were in a Florida hospital, one in critical condition, after a raft carrying some 30 people capsized off the coast of Florida. Sixteen people were rescued, and the rest are presumed dead. The United States Coast Guard has also conducted a search for other survivors over 2,500 square miles of … Continued
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Janet Napolitano has raised hopes for better immigration enforcement many times in her career and then disappointed those cheering her on, but I want to believe my eyes/ears that she signaled a major commitment to E-Verify this week. It appears the Obama Administration is finally starting to separate itself from the most extreme open-borders elements … Continued
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Congress and the Administration still plan to go through with a program that every fall, in effect, takes 50,000 U.S. jobs and raffles them off to foreign workers on pure chance. Never mind that 14 million unemployed Americans are looking for a job. If that doesn’t make any sense to you, get passionate about Rep. … Continued
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An individual located in the Midwest who has a master’s degree, and is working towards a doctoral degree made the following assertions on her web site: * The United States promotes and fosters immigration from nations that are mostly composed of white Europeans. * The United States attempts to cap immigration from Hispanic nations and … Continued
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