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My role as HBCU Engagement Director can be very schizophrenic because essentially I have two roles. I am the educator who goes to Historically Black Colleges and Universities and community groups to give presentations about immigration. I am also the agitator who will work with grassroots organizations to conduct polling, organize twitter spaces, and rally … Continued
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When touring the Texas border, you will see great walls, barbed wire, and military vehicles. When we landed in Eagle Pass there were no longer thousands crossing. This would give you the perception that progress has been made…I am here to tell you that it is all a mirage. A theater production between Texas and … Continued
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Citing NumbersUSA's poll of likely Colorado voters, Pomerance noted that 9 out of 10 people "desire a future where far fewer people move to the state" and 6 out of 10 want to stop growing completely.
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Density is a mitigation tool - and the preferred way of life for many - but Americans who desire more open space have science-supported reasons for asking Congress to address sprawl at one of its key sources: federal immigration policy.
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North Carolina's growth is "turning more of the farmland that [people] love into commercial distribution centers, housing developments, and public roads," Woodruff reports. People like Vaughan Willoughby and the Farm Bureau are worried about the future of agriculture. Only Texas and Florida have lost more farmland and habitat than North Carolina.
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Media coverage of NumbersUSA’s report on sprawl in the fastest growth state: Nevada.
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On May 8, 2024, Sir David Attenborough turned 98 years old. Attenborough was born in England and became a famous broadcaster, biologist, natural historian, and writer. He is known throughout the world as being one of the most passionate and effective supporters of environmental causes and the natural world. He has advocated for restoring biodiversity, … Continued
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There is a good deal of discussion right now about forced labor in China and the seafood industry, among others. Many in Congress are up in arms about securing America’s supply chain to ensure goods and services entering America are not enabled by forced labor. While this is laudable, the same Congress, media, and Executive … Continued
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According to an April 1-22 Gallup survey, immigration was named the top problem in the U.S. for the third straight month. But why? It has been my pleasure to speak with Americans around the country to find out. I have also been to the border where I wandered into some tall weeds. There our guide … Continued
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