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Senate Stimulus Passes and Allows for the Hiring of Illegal Aliens

author Published by Chris Chmielenski

The Senate has passed an $838 billion economic stimulus package with a vote of 61-37. The Senate bill as it stands allows for the hiring of illegal aliens. The House and Senate will now confer to come up with a unified proposal that will then need approval from both the House and Senate before being sent to the President.

Both the Senate Democrats and Republicans have named their conferees, which is likely to begin this afternoon. Senate Democrats appointed Appropriations Chairman Daniel Inouye, Finance Chairman Max Baucus and Majority Leader Reid as conferees. Republicans chose Appropriations ranking member Thad Cochran and Senate Finance ranking member Charles Grassley.

House conferees are expected to be named later today.

If you have a Senator on the Appropriations or Finance committees or a House Member on the Appropriations or Ways and Means committees, you have a phone note on your Action Buffet. Everyone can fax their Senators and tell them how disappointed you are in the Senate version of the bill that allows the hiring illegal aliens.

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